
Khat with Kate : A Sprinkle of Kate

October 13, 2016

hey all!
welcome to another khat with kate! I would like to introduce one of my favorite bloggers…


Kate from A Sprinkle of Kate

-When did you start blogging?
I started blogging in May of 2012, but have had a couple of different blogs over the years. I rebranded in 2015 to finally create a blog that I felt encompassed my style and personality.


-How did you get into blogging?
I actually found an old friend’s fashion blog and was so inspired by her! I thought it was such a fun idea to establish an online network and also share my opinions to readers. At the time I was currently writing in the fashion column of my school paper so I thought blogging online would be an easy transition.
-Why do you enjoy blogging?
I love blogging because there are so many amazing connections to be made online. It’s so exciting to meet people online with similar interests and it’s always thrilling to finally meet a blogging friend in person! These connections and friends make blogging so rewarding!

-What do you like to do for fun?
When I’m not blogging you can catch me spending time with friends, shopping (my form of cardio), trying out new restaurants and spending time at the beach. I love exploring fun new areas even if it just means playing tourist in my town for the day!
-what is your favorite social media platform for showing your blog off?
I think Instagram is probably the most fun, but also the most difficult. It’s so much fun when I have a constant nice feed going, but I struggle with keeping this feed consistent.
-what would your advice be for other bloggers? what would your advice be for bloggers looking for getting into the game?
My advice would be to start blogging because you want to have a voice and share your opinions. To actually be successful you have to be very dedicated and do it because you love it. At first it can be difficult because no one is really reading, but as time progresses, and if you’re passionate enough, readers will find their way to you! Being consistent and having fresh content is also very important — no one wants to read a blog they feel like they’ve read before.

well i hope you guys enjoyed my post with Kate
you can see her blog here: a sprinkle of kate
you can also see my other khat with kate posts here :
navy striped peonies / preptista / citrus and style / classy girl with curls / the blonde prep / the college preptser
hope y’all enjoyed!
kwe monogram(aka kate wins!)

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