
Khat with Kate: A Sunny State of Mind

December 6, 2016

hey all!

19 days till christmas

and today i am not ready for christmas yet…
welcome back to another khat with kate! this is my monthly segment where i interview some of the blogs and the bloggers which i love to read!
today, on the blog i have…

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meg from a sunny state of mind 
so lets get to the interview why don’t we!
-When did you start blogging?
I started blogging on a whim when I was 12 years old!

-How did you get into blogging?
I’m not one to wait around. When I put my mind to something, I get it done right away! When I started my blog, I had no idea what I was doing and there weren’t very many similar blogs out there. So, I basically went through trial and error until I found what worked for me.
-why do you enjoy blogging?
Blogging gives me a creative outlet, but more than anything the whole blogging industry calls my name. I mean, a new and exciting field filled to the brim with passionate young women? Sign me up!
-what do you like to do for fun?
I love running, especially on trails. I also have two big dogs, Auggie and Hero, who are my buddies and I love to play with them.
-what is your favorite social media platform for showing your blog off?
Definitely Instagram! I love the visual and text captions combined and I tend to find out about new blogs through Instagram.
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what would your advice be for other bloggers? what would your advice be for bloggers looking for getting into the game?
I make a point not to pay too much attention to what other people are doing. No one wants to see the same thing over and over from fashion bloggers. People are naturally attracted to something different and new. To grow my following, I love doing collaborations with other bloggers, because it’s a great way to get introduced to another audience!
well i hope you guys enjoyed my post with meg
you can see her blog here: a sunny state of mind
you can also see my other khat with kate posts here :

navy striped peonies / preptista / citrus and style / classy girl with curls / the blonde prep / the college prepster / a sprinkle of kate

have a great day!
kwe monogram(aka kate wins!)

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