school tips

How I Study!

May 26, 2016

hey all!

so in my last post i mentioned that i have finals next week, i kinda feel like UGH, but at the same time i am ready for it to be summer

so i was watching a video from ASAP Science a few weeks ago  about study tips and while watching i they mentioned that its not great to listen to music while studying.

and i was confused, i ALWAYS listen to music while studying (like the classical no lyric kind) and i thought it was helpful but i tested out last week and realized for me at least that no music worked better! WHO KNEW!! anyway if you want i implore you to at least try / try without music because turns out it can REALLY make a difference either way for y’all!

and i was like, easy maybe ill share with y’all how i study and i realized that would be a great idea so here we go:

so my first step is usually a info web or outline

i start with the title of my info in the middle and move out with the info, this is a good jumping off point for me, perfect for getting my info together and re-written!

then i tend to move to flashcards or quizlet

Screen Shot 2016-05-21 at 3.11.07 PM

after that i tend to just move in to my “teach mode” i go on as if i was a teacher myself and verbally speak through my lesson to anyone (friend, classmate, mom, dad, sister, grandma, dog, etc.) anyone really who will listen!

anyway all! i hope that you enjoyed this is pretty much how i do my thang! if you have any ideas with me please FEEL FREE to share them in the comments section!



kwe monogram(aka kate wins!)



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school tips

How to Get Focused for Finals

January 17, 2016

hey guys!

I have finals next week, as you may or may not know 🙂 but I had have recent problems with getting focused into the finals that I am studying for, so I am putting together some of my tips from last year, and my tips from this year to help you guys get focused for finals! here we go:

  1. Use Self Control to block Websites that Might Distract You: For example, I have now blocked Kate Spade, Netflix, Twitter, Instagram and Nordstrom from my computer so I don’t get distracted online browsing.
  2. Take A 10 Minute Break Between Every Hour: I don’t know what works for you guys, but 10 minute breaks work for me. In these breaks, I have a snack, paint my nails, organize something in my room or read a fun book (aka not school books!). But my suggestion is to NEVER take a nap in that 10 minutes, because your 10 minute break will become much longer.
  3. Use a Goal: My personal goal is to ace all of my finals, why? Because I want to buy myself a new pair of leggings, so all over my house I have printed out a picture of those leggings and are using them as inspiration to ace my finals, and if I don’t ace my finals I won’t buy myself the beautiful Black Sonar Tights from Athleta (personally their sonar leggings are the only ones I will buy from now on!)

I hope these few little tips helped you! Also if you have already taken finals what are tips you should suggest for me? Comment down below!

Thanks! xoxo

kwe monogram(aka kate wins!)

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Exam Tips

May 16, 2015

hey guys!

I know that my exams are coming up, so I wanted to share my exam tips for finals, and those big important tests at the end of the year!

here we go:

1. Chew a Piece of Gum while Studying, then Chew it While You are taking the Exam: This trick doesn’t work for many people, because they can’t chew gum at school or it just doesn’t work for you. This works for me. Now I go to a private school, and they usually don’t let you chew gum, but since I ask ahead of time to my proctors, they let me chew the gum. I like to chew bubble mint flavor by any brand!

2. Make Flashcards: Okay, now I know this sounds like a no-brainer, but I always make flashcards because writing things twice helps me remember it better.

3. Get some Sleep: Okay, I know that it is very important to study, but sleep is also very important. Sleep actually helps you remember more of what you study. Also when you sleep more, you perform better on the exams.

4. Start Early: This will help you get more sleep too. I like to make my study guides and flashcards early, and start early picking up more and more things along the way.

5. Get Organized: Right when I get study guides from my teachers, I like to grab a binder, or a notebook with a folder pocket and make study guides and flashcards. This organization helps it be easier when I am driving around just to pick up my binder and easily study.

6. Ask Questions: Okay, this one is very important. Any time you have extra time, a free block, an office hours session or before/after school go to your teachers, and ask the questions you need. Some of the classes right before the final you might not have time to ask the question or the teacher might not be willing to answer the question.

7. Energize Your Mind on the Day of the Exam: The morning of the exam, don’t go crazy studying and trying to cram. If you are cramming now, its not good. In the morning before my finals I like to do a crossword puzzle or a sudoku puzzle, or something like that!

hope y’all enjoyed this, and hope you do well on your finals!


Screen Shot 2014-12-21 at 3.03.44 PM(aka kate winss!)

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