hey guys!
I have finals next week, as you may or may not know but I had have recent problems with getting focused into the finals that I am studying for, so I am putting together some of my tips from last year, and my tips from this year to help you guys get focused for finals! here we go:
- Use Self Control to block Websites that Might Distract You: For example, I have now blocked Kate Spade, Netflix, Twitter, Instagram and Nordstrom from my computer so I don’t get distracted online browsing.
- Take A 10 Minute Break Between Every Hour: I don’t know what works for you guys, but 10 minute breaks work for me. In these breaks, I have a snack, paint my nails, organize something in my room or read a fun book (aka not school books!). But my suggestion is to NEVER take a nap in that 10 minutes, because your 10 minute break will become much longer.
- Use a Goal: My personal goal is to ace all of my finals, why? Because I want to buy myself a new pair of leggings, so all over my house I have printed out a picture of those leggings and are using them as inspiration to ace my finals, and if I don’t ace my finals I won’t buy myself the beautiful Black Sonar Tights from Athleta (personally their sonar leggings are the only ones I will buy from now on!)
I hope these few little tips helped you! Also if you have already taken finals what are tips you should suggest for me? Comment down below!
Thanks! xoxo
(aka kate wins!)