
September Word of the Month: Routine

September 1, 2016

hey all!
its a new month! its finally september
wait did i say FINALLY SEPTEMBER
well school has started and i feel generally crazed i mean, i have school and then golf, so im re-starting my routine, so i picked…


well, as i said before, i seem to be getting back into my routine! wake up – school- golf/art -homework-sleep
wake up – school- golf/art -homework-sleep
this is pretty much how my days have ended up

how will i try to be more ‘routine’ this month?

well, the definition of routine is “a sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed program” according to google so i plan on building my routine to have more weekend time and free times on friday nights and such. i would also like more time for myself and meetings for clubs and committees that i am on!
also speaking about a new routine! i am planning on making fashion and clothing related posts on thursdays, life/school related posts on tuesdays and my series posts on sundays! does that sound good to y’all?
thanks for reading!
let me know an intention that you have for your month!
kwe monogram(aka kate wins!)

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