
My Back to School De-Stressers

August 23, 2015

hey guys!

i am about to start school in a few days and i wanted to share with you guys some of my favorite de-stressers!

okay lets get started!

#1: I listen to wave sounds (specifically this one!) and change my computer and iPad backgrounds (specifically this one below).


#2: Paint your nails. This one works for me! I use this as a well deserved break from your homework.

#3: Take a Walk. I usually like to go out with my dog and walk  around in the neighborhood and destress. My dog is such a cute little guy he always brings up my spirit.

#4: Eat a healthy snack. I usually like to eat like peanut butter on something for that little boost of protein.

#5: Open the Window. Usually getting fresh air is helpful for de-stressing. Its actually really nice.

#6: Taking a deep breath in and out. Believe it or not, but this is actually very helpful and nice!


kwe monogram(aka kate wins!)

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