hey all!
february is OVER…
okay well almost. i leave for my senior year retreat called ‘kairos’ tomorrow so i’ve gotta say its pretty much over for me. i mean we leave in the morning and we are without wifi, we get cell service but lets say it this way : my blog post will be scheduled until we get back on friday at 6 and we have activities, meals and talks scheduled for all day. saying all of this: kairos is a fairly secret process, we aren’t allowed to know really anything going into the retreat except when we leave and get back, where we are staying and who we are rooming with so i will not be sharing any of the things on my blog, to protect the secrecy of kairos! but i might do a little intro (like this one here) debriefing my feelings post-retreat.
anyway, as you guys know february is a fairly short month so not much happened because i have been super busy doing all of my homework, being senioritized and just sleeping.
but here are some of my favorite moments from this month:
i went to jeni’s splendid ice cream for ice cream for breakfast day
my school had our spirit week
i recieved my glossier order the solution is already healing my skin
i went to sqirl with my friends
and my dad made carbonara – it was divine
of course! i took many walks and kept up my excercise game