
My Vidicon 2015 Experience

August 7, 2015

hey guys!

if you didn’t know, a few weeks ago i attended vidcon at the anaheim convention center (right next to disneyland)

this visit was so much fun, i met so many people and got some really cool free things!

i also was really upset this year’s way they had the signings. so this year, the way they set up the signings was that everyone was assigned signings and i was assigned ones that i did not want.

i just wanted to let you guys know my feelings on vidcon 2015


kwe monogram(aka kate wins)

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My Fit Bit Review

August 4, 2015

hey guys!

i have been wanting to share this article with you guys, because i actually get asked ALOT how I like my fitbit or how I feel about it

so lets get started:


  1. its a MAJOR motivation! : when its 3:00pm and you only have 3 out of 5 dots done, this really makes you wanna get up and start moving.
  2. it tracks your SLEEP! : you just turn on sleep mode by tapping the area repeatedly (and it will vibrate to tell you its on sleep mode) and make it little looser so it doesn’t cut off circulation.
  3. its not TOO expensive! : some activity trackers out there are super expensive, and its way cheaper than getting an apple watch (if you just want it for exercise).
  4. the syncing works SO well! : you just turn on the app and you can see how many steps you have taken, and also on this app you can track your calories and water.


  1. its not TOO cute! : if you are wearing a nice outfit it looks kinda gross with a nice outfit, but on everyday life, its PERF!
  2. the band gets DIRTY easily : it got so dirty so quickly! i used windex on the band itself when the thing inside was charging and it worked great.

the best thing this my sister lost her fitbit at vidcon, and she emailed fitbit and they are sending her another one! how nice is that!

so overall, i really enjoy the fitbit! very much!

if you like/dislike your fitbit please comment! i like to hear your thoughts too!

(this was not at all sponsored by fitbit)

kwe monogram(aka kate wins)

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August Schedule and Updates

August 2, 2015

hey guys!

i am excited to announce my schedule for august! i will be posting every sunday, tuesday and thursday, so… look forward to that.

but after august my schedule will be every tuesday and friday till the end of the school year!

so whats up with me, I am getting ready for school and mourning the upcoming loss of summer, and i am golfing getting ready for season!

August 2015 Calendar


kwe monogram(aka kate wins)

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