
Advice for College Freshmen

August 22, 2019

hey freshmen!

this post is for you all. i’ve been seeing y’all run around campus for a variety of different things: move in, orientation events and even some whole foods runs. i see my same energy in all of you and that made me incredibly reflective, and so i asked some of my favorite people: friends, family and sorority sisters for some input on freshmen year and here, i compiled it all together for you, so i hope you take an honest read and REALLY think about the things mentioned here because they’ve all been given with a lot of heart. so lets start why don’t we?

don’t stress about friends

one of my classmates and fellow content creator online from GW, Rumi, says it best about ‘first week friends’. and guess what, they’re real. they exist. so truly i wouldn’t stress about who you’re friends are during orientation, or the first week. and frankly, college is never too late to reinvent yourself. hang out with people who you wouldn’t think you would ever click with cause these people can actually really be good for you. and another note, in college there is no one that is “popular”, frankly there are only people who THINK they are, and you will know who those people are, so just be you, don’t worry about popularity.

go out of your comfort zone

you wanna try something specific? do it! something you don’t think you’ll be good at? try it! the worst thing that could happen of it is that you ~might~ quit which is really not a big deal, so just go for it why don’t you. honestly you don’t really have anything to lose so theres no excuse.

you don’t have to be friends with your roommates

i know at this point they’re probably some of your best friends at this point and during the first week its super easy to fall into this trap but just get over it. meet other people so you don’t have to be necessarily stuck with people who you don’t want to be ‘in’ with, and frankly being friends and coexisting are two different things. you don’t have to be friends with someone to respect them. another note within this point, just cause you ~might~ be friends with your roommate doesn’t mean you need to skirt around their feelings. you must be real with them, tell them the truth.

take the opportunities handed to you

please. please. please. i did not take my work study job *as i’ve mentioned in the past* and TOTALLY regretted it. if given an opportunity for something unexpected take it. please, i implore you. think about your life as if you would never get this opportunity again, and if you think in 5 years you might regret saying no (or even like 5 months) just freaking do it. the worst it could be is a waste of time, and at that point you can quit without any regrets.

don’t be afraid to have fun

school is way more than things that you just do in classes. do things that are uncomfortable. especially at gw, they make incredible freshmen programing! so go to all the free concerts, parties and food events, even if they sound lame cause i’m sure you’ll meet someone new who will totally change your experience and that you won’t regret!

enjoy your first few days baby colonials!

xoxo, kate!