
College Night Routine

October 15, 2018

hey all!
its me, back again! hello how are y’all doing? we’re PRETTY into fall and especially here the weather has turned over! its been absolutely beautiful! i mean i’ve been seeing the trees change for the last few weeks but the last thing we needed for the TRUE feeling of fall was the weather. i love the cool winds and my runs feel even better with all of that weather we’ve been able to experience here in the DMV area!
yes yes, we’re into fall, and into the school year yeah kate we get it, you’re a broken record. yes, i am a broken record but its actually been quite awhile since i shared a night routine, and since i’ve started college my night routine has changed, i mean naturally right? i’m living in a different city with a different climate, i’m living in a dorm with three other roommates and just essentially we’re headed into winter so yeah, here’s my typical routine for the weeknights!



at 8pm i’d say i start my ‘night routine’ officially. if i haven’t already started i start getting my homework wrapped up. since i’m an art student some of my homework includes either coming up with ideas or sketching stuff out so i work in my sketchbook and get stuff done. a decent amount of my homework is reading, i am usually given readings for certain classes but right now in design we’re talking about the color theory in terms of simple design so i picked up josef alber’s ‘interaction of color’ and i find it REALLY interesting actually! if i drink tea at night the last time i’d do that is 8pm, its kinda nice while doing homework to drink tea especially while reading.



by 9pm i try to be done eating for the night. i am not always successful with this so i often eat ice cream, an apple or my peanut butter oatmeal dough *(recipe will be shared later)*. i continue doing my homework and i write in my journal. my typical bullet journal display is a to-do list so i see what i’ve accomplished and what i need to accomplish for the next day. to this point i try to turn off any tv and try to listen to music or podcasts, i’ve been LOVING serial!



around 10 i start washing my face and continue finishing my homework. i shower in the middle of the day after running usually, so i change into my pajamas and then get started on my routine. i wash my face with glossier milky jelly with my foreo, followed by glossier solution and i try to kill my acne with mario badescu’s drying lotion!

11pm -12am


i’m usually done with my homework by 11, unless my class ends at 11 (which my routine is just all these steps combined into 1 hour) and i move to packing my backpack. i make sure i have EVERYTHING for the next day ahead of me, packing my sketchbook, notebooks, books and bullet journal and leaving my computer to charge on my desk. i leave my water bottle out and my keys out so they’re easy to grab while i’m on my way out. i then head to bed and set my alarm for the next morning!

enjoy all!
