
Get Dressed Up for Facetime Brunch

April 1, 2020

hey all!

i don’t know why but I’ve been SO motivated to get back up and active on my blog! maybe because I cant spend as much time with my friends or maybe its just cause I’m being super productive these days, but guys I’m back and fully together.

don’t shame me but I have weekend brunch plans this weekend – not the way you think! its over facetime! we’re always getting brunch on the weekends and I missed that so I invited all my friends! we’re all making our own brunches and eating and chatting together.

anyway! cause I was ~thinking~ about what I would have worn for brunch so here that is!

for brunch I decided to put on a dress and would have worn a pair of sandals and a cute little purse!

($ this post contains affiliate links which may be monetized $)

thanks for reading!

xoxo, kate