
What it’s like being on my Sorority E-Board

April 14, 2020

hello all!

while making a joke-y bingo past week and asking all of my friends to suggest things to go on my board, along with “PINK, aesthetic, ‘i’m a graphic design major’, and taurus energy” was “I’M ON EXEC / running my sorority’s instagram page” – and i realized that i don’t think i’ve ever talked about that on here – so today i’m dedicating this post to that!

in january of 2019 i joined the dc alpha chapter of pi beta phi at the george washington university!!

i’ve talked about my reasons before for going through sorority recruitment, but essentially i was about ready to transfer, leave GWU unless i found something that made me have fun on campus, something that specifically made me wanna stay at the school that i desperately wanted to leave. so, when i PHINALLY (get it) got my bid from pi phi, i felt like i had a place on campus, a place at GW.

being in a sorority has in so many ways made me a better person. i have become a better friend with people who depend on me, i have become more involved on campus and with the goings-on around me at GW. i got a big and a pham in my sorority, i got a whole new group of people who had a deeper and more valuable relationship with these people who i would always be connected to.

with all of these things in mind, after a whole semester and a half i decided i’d run for my sorority’s council – or e-board/exec as i may call it in this post. my big was on exec last year as the vice president of philanthropy – so i had a team in my pocket, cheering me on and telling me i could do it, so i did.

i filled out an application and went through an interview process. i applied with the role of ‘vice president of community relations’ in mind – a role which in my sorority manages the visual image of our chapter managing social media for our chapter, director of philanthropy and director of diversity and inclusion.

we then had a leadership team put together a slate and as a chapter then vote yes or no for our candidates…

and i received the role of vp community relations! very exciting, it was exactly what i wanted and i was ready to take my position starting in january!

so what does exec look like while being on it?

well, in a lot of the ways, now living in my house and stuff, pi phi has kinda become ‘my life’ but im so okay with it. i have a ‘exec council’ meeting weekly, a meeting with my directors weekly, a monthly meeting with the whole council.

day to day its a lot of emails – and INSTAGRAM! i have a content planner, calendar and schedule. as well, during the week i’m looking out for a lot of fun new content to share with our sisters.

due to c*virus, my role has changed as it has grown massively, i am one of the only SUPER active roles as we are no longer on campus. everyday i am coming up with new and fun content to keep our sisters busy during this whole social distancing moment.

this role has taught me many different important life skills, and i’m so glad i get to be on my sorority’s exec!