
Hi & Welcome Back

February 7, 2020

hi guys

its been a ~hot minute~ since i’ve been active on my blog and to be honest it makes me really sad because this has always been something that has made me happy and i’d like to change that back, i’d like to be posting 3 times a week again, but i genuinely don’t see that happening anytime soon – but i’d honestly love to be back a few times a month, or even once a week if i could be.

so what has been going on my in life?

well, since we last talked, i’ve been installed on my sorority’s executive board as our VP Community Relations, i got a little in my sorority, i started a new semester where in my classes i am working with legit clients as their graphic designer and i’m working. so basically, i am freaking busy now, which is really awesome but also really stressful.

so i used my break to be with my family, enjoy my home time (which was cut short by a week thanks to formal sorority recruitment), cook (alot, i love cooking and while my sorority house has a kitchen nothing really compares to my kitchen at home), go to disney (the picture which is the header of this article) and hang out with my friends who i hadn’t seen since august since i didn’t go home for thanksgiving.

so what i wanna prep for in the next upcoming months to share here on my blog are some more outfit posts, spring looks that i love!, a REVIEW OF MY INCREDIBLE SPRING BREAK PLANS (y’all im so excited for this, it was my gift that i asked for during the holiday szn and i’m so excited i can’t even)

so yeah, lets do it! thank you for reading & i’m so excited to share more soon!

xoxo, kate!