school tips

My Test Taking Tips!

March 17, 2016

hey guys!

for these past few weeks I have been really feeling in control, maybe its because I finally have my classes down and I have been doing yoga every 2-3 times a week, but I think its because I am doing so well on recent assignments.  so today I wanted to share a post on tips for test taking and school on what I do to keep stress free and how I prepare for tests

lets get started:

so my test taking tips, recently I have been studying more in different ways.

I really enjoy looking at studyblrs, and if you don’t know what a “studyblr” is  its a tumblr blog that has notes and posts about school stuff that is just very picture worthy, here are some examples:





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so recently I have been making studyblr inspired studied guides, they make me want be more organized, and they have really helped me to study better for my tests and quizzes, and they make me want to work harder.

another tip i have been using is with vocabulary:

I have been studying the 100 most used SAT words to prepare for my college tests that I am taking this summer. I know, I am only a sophomore and some people believe that starting testing before I even start junior year is crazy, but I want to do the best I can on those tests.

So, getting on with it, the vocab, I made a list and a calendar with all my words. I have been putting post it notes around my house at the places I look the most, my computer screen, my mirror, the fridge etc I have a few per week and this is actually a really smart way for me to learn my vocab word well.

I hope these tips help y’all, comment if you have any other helpful tips and if I like it enough I will add it to my list for studying!



kwe monogram( aka kate wins!)