fall semester @ home & wfh virtual vibes

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Fixing Up Your Space: On A Budget & What I Love For My Room

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What it’s like being on my Sorority E-Board

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Get Dressed Up for Facetime Brunch

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Lululemon Addict

January 24, 2015

Hi guys, My name is Kate and I’m a lululemon addict.

**support group answers “hi kate!”**

anyway guys, as you may or may not know I am obsesssed with lululemon. So it basically all started 2 years ago when I bought a blue headband with my friends on an Americana visit. Since then, my closet has basically exploded with lulu (a running count of 10 headbands, 3 shirts, 3 pairs of leggings, 3 pairs of shorts and 3 pairs of spandex) #wow. I know its kinda expensive, but if you wear leggings as often as I do (which is way too much because I refuse to buy jeans because I can’t find a pair that fit right) than it ends up making sense.
Take for example a pair of leggings from Forever 21 vs. Lululemon, okay so leggings from Forever 21 are $4 and lululemon leggings are $80. So the last time I bought Forever 21 leggings they ripped, they were for a costume, so it was alright, but honestly they aren’t that great and I never really cared for them. Forever 21 leggings are also not the same quality as Lululemon. The Forever 21 leggings were never as thick or nice feeling as Lululemon ones.

anyway that’s my opinion! hope y’all have a great day

(aka kate wins!!!!)

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January 18, 2015

Hey Guys!

Jan 18th to Jan 22th there will be no posts, but I have alot of new stuff coming up for you guys! In Feburary, I have my formal and will be showing you my look/how I picked out my dress (which I absolutely love!) (Posted on Feb 20) and I also will show you my tips on getting ready for formal (Posted on Feb 16). I am excited for all new things to come and glad that you guys keep coming back to read me!

Screen Shot 2014-12-21 at 3.03.44 PM(aka kate winsssss!)

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Triangl and Dupes

January 15, 2015

Hey Guys,

Today I will be talking about Triangl Bikini and Bikini Dupes. So most of you guys must know what Triangl Bikinis are, but if you don’t they are the trediest most basic swimsuits out on the market.

Triangl bikinis are sold only by Triangl’s website. They range from $69 to $79. They come in a set of top and bottom, and if you guys are different sizes in top and bottom they do that too. They have bandeau styles, triangl style and bra like balconet style.

At Victoria’s Secret Pink they have a triangle style and a bandeau style like the Triangl suits. These ones are sold seperate top and bottom but they tend to have alot of sales at Victoria’s Secret so they may be cheaper. Also sometimes the Triangl suits don’t cover the chest so well, and the Victoria’s Secret is known for that so they must be good. They are currently on the website.

They also have Triangl dupes on etsy. On this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OgI3LfeAt8 has the etsy link and compares the Triangl and the dupe.

Screen Shot 2014-12-21 at 3.03.44 PM(aka kate winssss!!!!!)

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FitBit and Up by Jawbone

January 8, 2015

Hey Guys!

So you guys must know about the FitBit and the Up by Jawbone. These two things are activity trackers and are used for weight loss and track every movement. They are controlled both controlled by an app. These are both very similar and are very popular right now. They have several different ways to use them, clips or bracelets, but several different types.

FitBits are sold now at many places such as Nordstrom, Dicks Sporting Goods, and Target. The FitBit is controlled by an app on the app store. You can check out FitBit’s website and compare which one is right for you.

Up by Jawbone are also sold at many places, for example, the Apple Store, Best Buy and Target. The Up by Jawbone is also controlled by an app. But for this average model for both the Up and Fitbit, the Fitbit is less expensive. But check out the Up by Jawbone website and see which one you perfer.

Screen Shot 2014-12-21 at 3.03.44 PM(aka kate wins!!!)

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January 2, 2015

Hey Guys!

Okay so I love pinterest, its great and I could easily spend hours on pinterest, or making crafts on my diy board. I am just so addicted to pinterest. On my pinterest board is everything from diy to prep for my 2015 summer trip to Japan.

So basically pinterest is basically my favorite place because I can talk about diy, I can pin about my new preppy style and I can pin gifts that I would like to buy or recieve. This Christmas, I pinned everything that I wanted for Christmas, I then sent my list to my Family and friends.

Currently my favorite board to pin on is my prep board. On this board I have pinned cool monagrams, cool monogrammed products and cute preppy products. I love to pin on this board because I get to find cute things I love/ would love to have.

Another board that I love to pin on is the before mentioned Summer in Japan board. On this board I have clothes, tips and fun things for our 2015 trip to Japan in the summer. This has alot of travel tips in addition to tips for Japan.

Have a great day, and a great week!

Screen Shot 2014-12-21 at 3.03.44 PM(aka kate winnsssss!!!!)

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HAPPY 2015!!!!!!

January 1, 2015

Hey Guys!

Thanks for all the views on all of the views on my past story, but  anyway! I hope to have a prosporous year, and I fun year too! I would really love to write in the blog more for 2015, I mentioned yesterday that I would love to do some giveaways and contests. Please comment if you would like to be in one of these, also comment what stores/things you would like me to giveaway and I will start thinking of one soon!

My new years resolutions are to be more happy with my self and be more confident. I would also like to take a photo of myself every day of 2015 to show how different I am throughout the year. I am also hoping to be more organized through 2015 and be able to do more because of my organization. I would like to workout everyday/become more fit, becuase even though I play sports I am not always confident with myself. With that I would also like to become more flexible.

In this year I am looking forward to owning/ buying more clothes, that sounds very bad, but I love shopping for clothes. I am hoping to develop my style more and to become more confident with my style and the way I dress.


Screen Shot 2014-12-21 at 3.03.44 PM(aka kate winnsss!!)

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My New Preppy Style

December 30, 2014

Hi Guys!

Welcome to my newly updated blog, recently I have updated my style, becomming more preppy. I have started shopping at Madewell, J.Crew, Lily Pulitzer, Kate Spade and Vineyard Vines. These are all stores that are great, a tad expensive if you have a small budget, but high quality products.

Now my staples to not leave the house without are my monogrammed purse from Madewell, my new fitbit and my new monagrammed necklace. My preppy staples for this winter include a blue puffer vest, my new pair of rain boots and my new black converse.

I am excited to announce that one of my “new years resolutions” is to come on the blog more, and write more. Another thing I would like is if you all could share my blog with others so it feels like I am doing things for you guys. If I can do more giveaways and other fun stuff for you guys! I am excited for the year ahead!

Screen Shot 2014-12-21 at 3.03.44 PM(aka kate winssss!)

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my favorite clothes for fall

October 24, 2014

hey guys!

I guess I haven’t posted in awhile, but anyway fall is my favorite season for fashion. I am in love with sweaters and scarfs and leggings and other warm things. So I wanna show you guys what I wear/what i pair things with/ my favorite stores for fall.

look #1:


look #2:


look #3:


look #4:


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October 5, 2014

Hey Guys! Its Kate Wins


This will basically be a fashion and lifestyle blog about me and MY OPINIONS!

Anyways basically I will rant here, put outfits together and basically talk about what is going on in my life!


@kate_wins on instagram

@kate_winsss on twitter

and Kate Wins on pinterest


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