
Spring Crafts : Some Bunny Loves You Card

March 9, 2017

hey all!
i don’t know about you all, but i love crafting. crafting helps with de-stressing and its super awesome because it really does not take a lot of work, and are super nice to give to people.
so today i wanted to share a craft that i created for all of you!
lets get started:
i call this one the…

some bunny loves you card

its super easy, all you need is:

the steps:

  1. print out the template on canva and cut it out, and cut out the construction paper.
  2. glue the template to the construction paper
  3. stamp your finger in the ink pad, and then stamp on the template
  4. i then accented the cards with washi tape and finished decorating them as bunnies!

that is pretty much it!
also! i have a special deal for all my readers… a free chatbook!
here is mine, i chose my image of macarons for the cover.
when you go through THIS LINK, you can get a free book of any photos you want! i hope y’all try it out today, the code lasts until TODAY. so make sure to get your free chatbooks by 12 pm eastern time!
kwe monogram(aka kate wins!)