hey all!
i officially started school on monday august 29th!
and here i am! this is my formal dress uniform!
i absolutely love my classes especially APUSH because i love my teacher!
but heres my little update!
(aka kate wins!)
Tag: back to school
hey all!
today is august the 21st and i officially go back to school in 8 days.
oh my god, EIGHT DAYS!!!
i am kinda excited but very scared because i still have alot of stuff to do before school starts
so naturally i still have stuff to-do, of course
so today i wanted to share what my to-do list still consists of at the moment:
- label all of my school supplies
- make my binder covers
- put together your uniform / outfits for school days
- put together my backpack
- organize my essentials kit (advil, eye drops, mints/gum, hair ties/hair pins and lotion, etc.)
- put together my locker
- grab my carpet, locker shelf and mini white board
- take a trip to costco
- buy easy snack options and last minute paper needs
- make copies of my schedule for around the house and different school supplies
- i like to print out my schedule and hang it in different locations around my house to help to memorize my schedule
- organize my desk area
- organize my white / cork boards
- throw away unnecessary papers, etc
i have to admit, this is kinda all i have to do except for homework!
so tell me what you still are having to do before school!
(aka kate wins!)
hey all!
welcome back to my back to school series!
today i have for you a post about my wishlist for the stuff that i still want before school.
i have a few different categories so i am gonna share with you all of the things that i want!
so here we go:
pencil cases :
pens & accessories :
- STAEDTLER® Marker Pen, Fine Tip, 20ct
- Westcott® Pointed Kids Scissors
- Sharpie® Marker Pen, Fine Tip, 5ct
- Scotch Washi Tape Holly
- Scotch Washi Tape Poppy
notebooks and agendas :
- Cambridge Large Twin Wire Notebook
- Bethany Mota Color Your Own Journal
- Day Designer Weekly/Monthly Planner, 2016-2017
- Sugar Paper® Weekly/Monthly Planner, July 2016 – June 2017
well i hope that you have enjoyed my wishlist post of the school supplies that i like!
let me know if you have any school supplies you think that i might like!
(aka kate wins!)
hey all!
how has your week been? of course, i have been getting ready for back to school!
so today, in my new back to school series i am sharing with y’all my back to school necessities. the stuff i have to have with me at school, my necessary items!
lets go!!
here are my essentials, ill go one by one
so first, here is my backpack:
L.L.Bean Deluxe Book Pack -$29 (on sale right now!) : I have had this backpack for many years now, I usually switch up my colors so this year i picked the color dahlia purple this year. I also had it monogrammed in the style “initial flared” a new style for me this year, but i absolutely love it!
here is my water bottle:
32 oz Wide Mouth Hydroflask -$39.95 : okay, so this water bottle is a little expensive, but it’s a REALLY GREAT WATER BOTTLE. it keeps cold up to 24 hours, and I’ve tested this, i brought it to all day girl scout camp and on an overnight and i didn’t open the bottle till the next morning and there were still large pieces of ice! so basically i just LOVE cold water!
and i have my iphone case and my pencil case!
i have a
iPhone 5 Battery Case , Maxboost Atomic S iPhone Charger For Apple iPhone 5s -$29 : this is a super iPhone charger case! on top of being super cute, it is super functional because it charges so well. so when you forget to charge your phone the night before school you still have access to your phone because of this case!
0.55 liter Really Useful Box – $2.99: this is just supposed to be a storage box, but it works terrifically as a storage box. it holds all of the pens that i need as well as some washi tape and some post-it note flags!
so all, that is pretty much it for my essentials!
i hope that you enjoy, if you have any school essentials please share it with me!

hey all!
so basically i love “back to school” im not so sure that i actually love going back to school, but i love fall, the back to school look and i am VERY excited to be back in my plaid everyday!
so i decided, since I LOVE back to school that I am going to do a series of back to school basically of my process, wishlist, todo list and many others!
I will be posting this speical series every sunday and thursday so basically just be watching out for special posts on this back to school theme!
so get ready for some great posts!
(aka kate wins!)