hey all!
welcome to another fab five! i am so excited that its september!
so of course, you know what that means…
another fab five!!!
lets get started:
1. League Stripe Cosmetics Pouch -$39
3. Ray Ban ‘Original Aviator’ 58mm Sunglasses -$175
4. kate spade ‘orchard street – arla’ crossbody bag – $258
5. Athena Alexander ‘Toffy’ Ballet Flat -$42
well i hope y’all enjoyed this tiny baby post! comment down below your favorite item that you wanna buy right now!
(aka kate wins!)
Tag: preppy
hey all!
its a new month! its finally september
wait did i say FINALLY SEPTEMBER
well school has started and i feel generally crazed i mean, i have school and then golf, so im re-starting my routine, so i picked…
well, as i said before, i seem to be getting back into my routine! wake up – school- golf/art -homework-sleep
wake up – school- golf/art -homework-sleep
this is pretty much how my days have ended up
how will i try to be more ‘routine’ this month?
well, the definition of routine is “a sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed program” according to google so i plan on building my routine to have more weekend time and free times on friday nights and such. i would also like more time for myself and meetings for clubs and committees that i am on!
also speaking about a new routine! i am planning on making fashion and clothing related posts on thursdays, life/school related posts on tuesdays and my series posts on sundays! does that sound good to y’all?
thanks for reading!
let me know an intention that you have for your month!
(aka kate wins!)
hey all!
i officially started school on monday august 29th!
and here i am! this is my formal dress uniform!
i absolutely love my classes especially APUSH because i love my teacher!
but heres my little update!
(aka kate wins!)
hey all!
so, since i officially go back to school in 4 days, i wanted to share with y’all my finishing touches for before school
my back to school finishing touches:
so its very important to plan some easy ways to make / buy some easy lunch foods to eat, so i picked out snacks and lunches! see the ones that i like.
planning snacks to DIY or buy:
peanut butter oat squares / oatmeal granola bars / chewy peanut butter granola bars / homemade fruit leathers
planning lunches to DIY:
microwave mac and cheese / freezer bean burritos / homemade spaghetti-ohs /
homemade hot pockets / sesame noodles
so some of my other last finishing touches include cleaning my adidas, in the article below it explains in steps how to clean your old shoes
how to clean adidas leather shoes
my next step would be loading all of my pens into my pencil case for school, at this point i also color coded my pens. i put labels on each of my pens that i need for taking certain notes.
my other finishing touches include packing my backpack and labeling all of my supplies. i bought monogram stickers from DavisVinylCreations on etsy. i absolutely love their product and would recommend these stickers to anyone!
hope you enjoy!
let me know about all your finishing touches for school!
(aka kate wins!)
hey all!
so about six days ago, my sister moved into her dorm at usc, so today I am gonna share with you all what her dorm looks like, and whats in her dorm!
lets get started!
okay, so i thought that you could do alot with dorm rooms. turns out that even how hard you try it still looks like a dorm room! you can’t get away with it looking small
what is on the bed:
grid duvet cover / everyday is an adventure pillow / black and white pattern pillow (similar) / pillow backrest / blanket
whats on the walls:
hamilton poster (printed at kinkos) / command hanging strips / pictures
whats on the desk:
storage boxes / storage boxes patterned / printer / sorting rack / pen box
and here she is!
happy college student! she started classes yesterday, and shes enjoying her dorm room!
(aka kate wins!)
hey all!
welcome back to my back to school series!
today i have for you a post about my wishlist for the stuff that i still want before school.
i have a few different categories so i am gonna share with you all of the things that i want!
so here we go:
pencil cases :
pens & accessories :
- STAEDTLER® Marker Pen, Fine Tip, 20ct
- Westcott® Pointed Kids Scissors
- Sharpie® Marker Pen, Fine Tip, 5ct
- Scotch Washi Tape Holly
- Scotch Washi Tape Poppy
notebooks and agendas :
- Cambridge Large Twin Wire Notebook
- Bethany Mota Color Your Own Journal
- Day Designer Weekly/Monthly Planner, 2016-2017
- Sugar Paper® Weekly/Monthly Planner, July 2016 – June 2017
well i hope that you have enjoyed my wishlist post of the school supplies that i like!
let me know if you have any school supplies you think that i might like!
(aka kate wins!)
hey all!
so as of tomorrow, August 17th my only sister will be moving into her college dorm.
basically i have two feelings about this…
so basically i am really not sure what to feel.
this is gonna be the first time i have been without her for more than two weeks, so basically its gonna be a HUGE difference for me.
so why am i happy?
because she’s going to a GREAT school (she’s going to USC film school!!). she’s living her dream by going to the best film school in the country that is so high tech and ahead of basically everything.
i am also happy because she won’t be too far, i mean she could have ended up in new york, but instead she will be attending the closest school that she applied to, (which by the way is only like 18 miles to drive to!)
i am also so happy to see her happy and with her people. i am also WAYYY happy because i got to help her put together stuff for her dorm, which is one of my favorite things (i will totally admit this!!)
so why am i sad?
well, like i said before, i have never been away from her for more than two weeks. so this is gonna be such a shock for my life.
when i was a little kid home alone i used to watch the tv, to keep myself busy. and whenever i would watch tv anyway i would always talk to my sister, whatever i saw that i felt like talking about in that moment. so when she was gone i used to talk to her like she was still there, even though she wasn’t just because i didn’t want to feel lonely.
i just feel sad, and lonely, i know i will feel lonely i mean we spent alot of time together. she drove me around and to school everyday and she was someone that i could always talk to and get a completely honest answer. like we would shop together and she would tell me all of her feelings, even though they might make me upset.
she is never afraid to show her feelings and i will really miss her and miss being with her.
so sadly the sad outweighs the happy, and of course i will miss her alot.
so to summarize my feelings i am sharing the song “one last time” from hamilton.
basically in the song, george washington is telling alexander hamilton that he is stepping down and not running for president for the third term. by doing this, he sets a precedent for two term presidents (and thats it!) so in the song, it uses the real lines of george washington’s farewell address and singing behind it. if you haven’t heard the song you really should give it a listen (and you can google it and find a live version too!) i think that listening to the song would give a great way to relate to how i feel right now. but also, the song is very poetic and really speaks to me in the moment.
i love the line from the song “teach me how to say goodbye”, and thats the line that i identify with at the moment. i want to say goodbye, but its going to be very hard for me, so i need my sister to teach me how to say goodbye, and learn that some goodbyes (even if only for alittle while) are necessary even if you don’t particularly want them to happen.
i know at the moment it hasn’t happened yet, but of course i had to put a hamilton reference in of course!!!!
well i hope that y’all enjoyed my post! comment if any of you all have dealt with any of this that you would be willing to share!
(aka kate wins!)
hey all!
how has your week been? of course, i have been getting ready for back to school!
so today, in my new back to school series i am sharing with y’all my back to school necessities. the stuff i have to have with me at school, my necessary items!
lets go!!
here are my essentials, ill go one by one
so first, here is my backpack:
L.L.Bean Deluxe Book Pack -$29 (on sale right now!) : I have had this backpack for many years now, I usually switch up my colors so this year i picked the color dahlia purple this year. I also had it monogrammed in the style “initial flared” a new style for me this year, but i absolutely love it!
here is my water bottle:
32 oz Wide Mouth Hydroflask -$39.95 : okay, so this water bottle is a little expensive, but it’s a REALLY GREAT WATER BOTTLE. it keeps cold up to 24 hours, and I’ve tested this, i brought it to all day girl scout camp and on an overnight and i didn’t open the bottle till the next morning and there were still large pieces of ice! so basically i just LOVE cold water!
and i have my iphone case and my pencil case!
i have a
iPhone 5 Battery Case , Maxboost Atomic S iPhone Charger For Apple iPhone 5s -$29 : this is a super iPhone charger case! on top of being super cute, it is super functional because it charges so well. so when you forget to charge your phone the night before school you still have access to your phone because of this case!
0.55 liter Really Useful Box – $2.99: this is just supposed to be a storage box, but it works terrifically as a storage box. it holds all of the pens that i need as well as some washi tape and some post-it note flags!
so all, that is pretty much it for my essentials!
i hope that you enjoy, if you have any school essentials please share it with me!

hey all!
how has your tuesday been so far? mine has been good, i am actaully working on my word of the month, organizing my room and my stuff for school.
so today i wanted to share with y’all a fab five!
lets go!!
- Street Level Reversible Faux Leather Tote & Wristlet – $48
- BP. Colorblock Foldover Clutch – $25
- Gorjana ‘Power Stone’ Semiprecious Stone Bracelet – $38
- Steve Madden ‘Estoria’ Ankle Strap Sandal – $79.90
- Madewell Chunky Hoop Earrings – $18
well i hope you enjoy my wishlist * of the current moment * and if you also like any of these things please comment!
(aka kate wins!)
hey all!
today, i am back with my next installment of khat with kate where i interview some of my favorite bloggers from the blogs that i like to read.
so today i wanted to share my interview with:
Frannie from The Blonde Prep
- When did you start blogging?
– I began blogging in eighth grade!
2. How did you get into blogging?
– I started blogging after one of my friends introduced me to a few “preppy
blogs” back in 2012, and I immediately thought the concept was just the
coolest thing. We both started our own blogs a few days later, and although we
really had no idea what we were doing, I loved it from the start! She doesn’t
blog anymore, but I have kept mine going for over four years and it really has
been incredible to see how much a little website I made with a friend has
created so many opportunities for myself.
3. Why do you enjoy blogging?
– I love blogging for so many reasons. I have made friendships and met some of
my favorite girls through blogging and networking on the internet. I’ve also
learned a crazy amount about networking in general, designing both websites
and graphics, creating a personal brand as well as an online business, and a
million other things too.
4. What do you like to do for fun?
– To be honest, I spend a lot of my free time doing something for my blog. It
might be writing an actual post, or it could be anything from responding to
emails, shooting outfits, analyzing my analytics, and maybe even shooting an
Instagram photo. However, I do also have a life outside of blogging (surprise,
surprise!) and I love hiking, running, cooking and baking, reading, and just
being with my friends. I’m also an avid traveler and I love to explore new
5. What is your favorite social media platform for showing your blog off?
– I wouldn’t say I really aim to “show off” my blog, but I definitely think
Instagram (follow me @theblondeprep!) has been a main source of growth for
TBP. Lately Snapchat has been growing as well, and I think that is an
incredibly fun platform because I love keeping up with other bloggers’ daily
lives minute by minute, so I like the opportunity to post as much as I want on
my Snap (which is @franacciardo).
well i hope you enjoyed this interview with frannie!
you can check out her blog the blonde prep right here!
you can also see some of my other interviews with bloggers: preptista / navy striped peonies / citrus and style / classy girl with curls
(aka kate wins!)