i was thinking, there are a lot of typical preppy things, and today i decided i wanted to make a list of different preppy (both stereotypically and actually preppy!) and the typical preppy things that i personally GUILTY OF!!
so here we go:
you frequent pink and green colors together (guilty)
you love vineyard vines, kate spade, sperry, jack rogers, lacoste, l.l. bean, j.crew, etc (guilty)
you follow kip and sarah vickers on instagram (guilty!) via*
lilly pulitzer is your perfect spring (and summer) go to look (guilty)
you play lacrosse, do crew, play golf , etc (guilty)
you own a monogram necklace, monogramed items (guilty)
you live on the east coast, and or new england
you own a beach house
you call your style “preppy” (guilty) preppy definition!
you own a longchamp tote bag (guilty)
you prefer stacking bracelets rather than necklaces (guilty)
you love fall just for the cute scarves and boots (guilty)
you love personalizing everything you own (guilty)
a fashion icon of yours is jackie kennedy (guilty)
so in my last post i mentioned that i have finals next week, i kinda feel like UGH, but at the same time i am ready for it to be summer
so i was watching a video from ASAP Science a few weeks ago about study tips and while watching i they mentioned that its not great to listen to music while studying.
and i was confused, i ALWAYS listen to music while studying (like the classical no lyric kind) and i thought it was helpful but i tested out last week and realized for me at least that no music worked better! WHO KNEW!! anyway if you want i implore you to at least try / try without music because turns out it can REALLY make a difference either way for y’all!
and i was like, easy maybe ill share with y’all how i study and i realized that would be a great idea so here we go:
so my first step is usually a info web or outline
i start with the title of my info in the middle and move out with the info, this is a good jumping off point for me, perfect for getting my info together and re-written!
after that i tend to just move in to my “teach mode” i go on as if i was a teacher myself and verbally speak through my lesson to anyone (friend, classmate, mom, dad, sister, grandma, dog, etc.) anyone really who will listen!
anyway all! i hope that you enjoyed this is pretty much how i do my thang! if you have any ideas with me please FEEL FREE to share them in the comments section!
so next week is my last week of school! my last week as a sophomore!
bye bye underestimation and an older sister, high school is my game now!
well for starters, i only have four finals
but unfortunately they are for spanish, english, math and bio.
i feel like i have set up myself well for coming into these finals. but they are just so much work and i feel like i am drowning in the body systems and trig functions right now.
and i feel like i haven’t studied enough, this is our review week right now and i have just gone crazy with study guides and flash cards (probably cause i have) but the upside of all of this is my beautiful studyblr inspired study material! I just feel so organized and with MORE stuDYING I will be ready for this…
I was stressed academically, had just quit dance at my school, and needed some sort of creative outlet to clear my mind. After going on at length to a family friend about a lipgloss I had recently purchased, she suggested I should start a blog – the rest is history.
-Why do you enjoy blogging?
There are so many reasons to love blogging and I think the longer you do it, you start to fall in love for different reasons. When I started out, I loved having a place to say what I wanted without interruption or fear of bothering someone else. I felt like it was my own space that no one could take from me. Now that I’ve been doing it a while, I still love it for that aspect, but what I love even more is the people I’ve met, both readers and other bloggers. Every time I receive an email, tweet, or tumblr question from a reader I instantly get excited. I never expected anyone to really read my blog because that wasn’t the point for me and so it is crazy for me to think that there are people out there who actually seek out what I have to say. I will never forget the first time someone came up to me in a store to ask if I was the girl from Preptista. Luckily for me, I have also made some of my very best friends through blogging.
I’m a big reader. I used to be the kind of girl who could read through four whole books in one weekend. Now that my social, work, and academic life have expanded though, my reading time has cut down a lot. When I have down time I just love getting to spend it with my friends and family doing literally anything. It’s the time with them that I cherish more than anything else.
-what is your favorite social media platform for showing your blog off?
I love Instagram because I absolutely love to style photos. It annoys a lot of my friends because whenever we go out I stop to about ten times to take a picture of something or ask them to take a picture of me, but it’s just something that I think is so much fun. Snapchat is pretty cool too because you can show a behind the scenes to readers that is a little bit more raw.
-what would your advice be for other bloggers? what would your advice be for bloggers looking for getting into the game?
My advice is pretty much always the same.
1) Be patient because readers, page views, followers, whatever you’re anxious for will all come with time, but make sure you are blogging for you. The waiting can get a little bit unbearable if you aren’t doing it simply because you love it. The other stuff should all just be the icing on the cake.
2) Trial and error is your best friend. In order to figure out what platform is best, what content people like, and how to edit your photos to convey your aesthetic, you just need to try everything until you find where your comfortable.
3) Be authentic and find your niche. Try and find what makes you unique from other bloggers out there and try and figure out why people should come to your blog for information/inspiration/advice as opposed to others.
i love love LOVE Sammy’s blog, make sure to check it out!
so random right, but today may 19th 2016 is my 200th post!
i can’t believe it i feel like that is so many posts, so in honor of my 200th post i want to share my 40 favorite books / videos / links / pages / items to buy so here we go:
so if you guys might know april is stress awareness month! perfect month for me right!!!
so today I am going to talk about dealing with stress and how stressed out I basically am, so ready lets go:
TEENAGERS: we get STRESSED out i mean we have a lot with on our plate with school and extracurriculars all with the added stress of hormones and the fleeting years before we become an adult, and if THAT isn’t enough we have college to look forward to.
no not fun, so i will share the things that stress me out the most, here we go:
so today i decided i wanted to do an early birthday wishlist for myself because i have been finding a lot of nice things lately! i know, i know my birthday is may 2nd (hm hm hm mark your calendars) but i wanted to post this one earlier this year!