
the real side of blogging – blooper pics!

July 29, 2018

hey all!
i feel that obviously instagram is always the highlights, but especially on my blog those are the extreme highlights! like on a usual day when i am just doing errands i’m out in leggings and a t-shirt and flip flops instead of a cute outfit and i definitely only wear makeup on occassion (its alot less than you might think) and so i really wanted to share some of my favorite ‘blog bloopers’ with the truth behind what it truly took to get these amazing photos that i was able to share with y’all!

here we go why don’t we!


“look at my cute straight hair! i whip it back and forth because i like it so much! also look at my cute disney outfit!!!” *

*actually me: it was vv expensive so this is a good dry shampoo 4-day old hairstyle. i had to curl my hair so it didn’t look nasty and i’m trying not to look TOO awkward in front of like 500 people in an 1.5 hour line at disneyland, only dressed cute for the content NGL also its about 100 degrees and i’m OUTSIDE in JEANS*


“look at me on top of my cute car with my cute decorated tee shirt and my gw socks! raise high!”*

* okay quick ellie (shout out to my BFF for getting these shots for me!), get me my phone back so that i can see if i look okay and not that i just burnt my hand and my legs climbing on top of this burning hot car in a tiny skirt. also not trying to flash anybody. *

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“trying to fix my hair give me a mom(ent)”*

*my hair looks wayyyy too fluffy today so i’m putting it up for the 4th time so it looks ~okay enough~ and put together enough for blog photos they HAVE TO look good enough for the blog*


“pretty wall!!”*

*i have NO IDEA what i am supposed to do to pose in this tiny skirt, its riding up and yes again its 100 degrees outside and i definitely should have worn sandals because i’m highkey sweating in my socks.*


“heel, toe. heel, toe.”

* trying hard not to fall in this nasty LA side walk. also trying to not look too chubby. also trying to look like this is all natural, but its NOT*



* i have TERRIBLE balance so i have to watch so i don’t just fall over. also i was convinced this skirt was zipped but apparently it wasn’t so these shots were ruined how ~cute~*

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“walking, walking, walking”*

* seriously beginning to think this is one of the only blog poses i can do. apparently this is one of the only ones. also i’m moving so it looks like i am the FREAKING flash with my one shoe and i can’t smile apparently. i just look super pained.*


“look at my leg muscles!”*

*because i feel so awkward i can only talk about how awkward this pose feels, and once again not trying to flash the camera how cute. also so cleary showing that i can only talk with my hands*

i hope you enjoy all these bloopers half as much as i did! i thought it was really funny going through my pictures and finding the ULTIMATE bloopers because i really wanted to show the other side of blogging. its not all perfect photos and sunshine and rainbows but hey that’s life!
