
What I am Looking Forward to in March and My Lenten Resolutions

March 2, 2017

hey all!
happy march all! yesterday, march 1st, lent officially started. for my non christian readers, lent is the fourth day’s before easter. i could go into the more religious purposes of lent, but basically all people are supposed to either give up bad habits or pick up good habits. this year, i have decided that i am giving up saying bad things about myself. to be frank, i don’t have a great vision of myself, i mean, i am a perfectionist and i notice whenever something is wrong.
so now, what is on my roster for this upcoming month:

  1. my east coast college tour
  2. my practice ap english exam
  3. st patricks day
  4. all of my tests and quizzes this month (NOT)
  5. preparing for my trip
  6. all of the travel blog posts i have coming up for y’all this month!
  7. shopping for my trip

basically i am really REALLy excited for my trip and wanted y’all to know that!
also! i have a special deal for all my readers… a free chatbook!
here is mine, i chose my image of macarons for the cover.
when you go through THIS LINK, you can get a free book of any photos you want! i hope y’all try it out today, the code lasts until march 9th. so make sure to get your free chatbooks!
kwe monogram(aka kate wins!)