

November 29, 2018

hey all!

happy friday. oh my gosh, tomorrow is DECEMBER 1! like how crazy could that be, already! but i’ve seriously been swimming in all of that christmas bliss! like the other day they did the white house christmas tree lighting and i was right across at my art school enjoying the whole thing! and i’ll be sharing all my dorm decorations on the blog soon! since its the last day of november, i’m doing a reflection of my month here!

here we go!

so obviously, election day was 11/6 and i got to vote for the first time! it was so cool and i’m glad i started my official duties as a citizen!

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yes, yes, the weather has basically turned to latte weather. i’ve been differing up my coffee habits – but lets get this, almond milk lattes are my jam!

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IT SNOWED ALREADY IN DC! it was only the second time i’d ever seen snow fall from the sky – it was magic.

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speaking of magic, i went HOME and visited harry potter world! it was so so cool! all of the little details were AH-MAHZING and the butterbeer was fantastic!

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as i mentioned, i celebrated thanksgiving at home, and although its never my favorite holiday food i always enjoy stuffing!

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my favorite part of being at home was catching up with my sister! i really missed seeing her!

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so yes, i’m back in dc and its pretty frigid, but my cold weather clothes are keeping me warm!
