
Activities to Do When You are Bored

July 20, 2017
  1. exercise : i love blogilates channel and its free / easy to access!
  2. write up a 101 in 1001 list : go see mine for inspiration.
  3. watch a movie on netflix : i LOVE 10 things i hate about you with heath ledger (may he rest in peace) and ~fetus~ joseph gordon levitt.
  4. check out some new bloggers : i love to read atlantic pacific by blair eadie, the miller affect by amanda miller and the college prepster by carly heitlinger.
  5. bake cookies : i am a cookie fiend – and whether you bake from a package or from scratch baking cookies makes the house smell amazing and you will be able to eat warm cookies!
  6. wander around the supermarket/target : i don’t know about you but personally i could be in target for hours, just looking around at clothes and home items and food and kombucha, etc.
  7. plan a trip to a new city : even if you aren’t visiting it actually, it really fun to plan out the best places to go – and from a gal who actively uses my yelp app at least 3 times a day its actually really fun.
  8. make a tumblr blog : tumblr is really fun – sure there are some ~explicit~ things there – but you can likely stay away from that, and you can ask to block that content – which i have on but you guys should check out my tumblr blog!
  9. learn a new language : there are some really cool apps out there to learn languages – and i learned all of the numbers in japanese in only 2 hours!! yay exciting!
  10. meditate : there are some really amazing apps like headspace and calm.
  11. write : you’d be surprised how much comes out when you just sit down and write. at the end of the year, after the AP exam my ap lang teacher had a fun assignment to write our own spoken word pieces. she made us just sit outside and write for 5 minutes. my writing started as : “just green blades of grass” as i described every blade, then turned into something much deeper. we then performed for our pieces for the class. literally everyone in my class’s pieces were beautiful and meant so much for me to hear.
  12. watch/listen to spoken word pieces : in my spoken word project i watched SO MANY spoken word pieces like this one, and this one! they spoke so amazingly i was so inspired – and it made me feel a little easier about speaking my truth.
  13. start a bullet journal : you all know i am obsessed with my bullet journal so of course i want you all to try bujo-ing!!
  14. take a bath/shower : i get my best ideas during showers or baths – its just so idea inducing for me so i think that its super cool for some reason so i think if you are bored or feel creatively blocked take a bath or shower.
  15. do a photoshoot by yourself : okay don’t think i am lame but i set up my phone sometimes on the timer and pose for photos and stuff. even some of them have landed on my blog instagram!
  16. make a vision board : whether on pinterest or in real life – i love clipping my photos from magazines and i find alot on my instagram or pinterest pages. vision boards are super nice for looking for design stuff and aesthetic planning.
  17. paint your nails : i just posted my favorite summer nail polish colors here but to me nail polishing is super calming and just something to pass the time because you have to wait for it to dry!
  18. write a letter : have cute stationery? write a letter to a friend you haven’t seen in awhile! i am sure they would to hear from you and maybe that will lead to a meet up later!
  19. make a terrarium : terrariums are little gardens for catci and succulents! its so cute looking and its easy for all of you fellow plant killers out there.
  20. go see a movie : i know this one takes money but there are always movies in the theater and even if none of the movies seem good go see one ~ironically~ for fun!

thanks for reading friends!

kwe monogram(aka kate wins!)