
Back to School – To Do List

August 24, 2017

hey all!

how have you been? i know that a lot of people and even some of my friends have already headed back to school, whether that is college or high school it has seemed to spring up on them and in order to keep up with my back to school schedule i have kept detailed to – do lists with all of the stuff that i have left to do before i get to school so that i am not blindsided by how fast it goes!

so here we go!

  1.  finish putting together your school supplies : this means labelling every notebook and binder for my classes and putting together binder tabs as well as typing out and using the label maker.
  2. finish your summer homework : yeah i said it, no explaination here.
  3. put together your uniform : i am pretty sure you all know, but i wear an uniform for my high school so i need to get that together. i have socks i need in a certain length, shoes in a certain color, and i need to get together my skirt, blazer and blouse.
  4. pack your backpack : i have always been that girl with the little first aid kit in my backpack because there is never a time where i could possibly not need a band-aid (y’all i am clumsy as heck – and i love to craft and i find myself getting more paper cuts then humanly possible). i like to put this minimergency kit in my bag, as well as my keys and a small wallet just in case (and i am IN LOVE with this “hair emergency kit”) !
  5. plan out my new month in my BUJO : because i start school on august 28th, august is basically over so that means that it is about time to start another month. i like to also do like theme pages, so like back to school like my schedule – etc other stuff which i will show y’all on my instagram feed.
  6. put together my 2017-2018 playlist : for every school year i have created a spotify playlist so i have to put together my playlist for my senior year! i also have to put together my golf playlist which is gonna be so much fun listening to while golfing and driving to golf!

thats pretty much it for right now! thanks all!

kwe monogram(aka kate wins!)