
Favorite Travel Accessories & Stuff you NEED for a 12+ Hour Flight

June 21, 2019

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hey all!

happy friday. its been a long week and although my schedule has not been as packed as it has in a long time, i still find myself lacking major sleep, so if anyone has any summer sleep tips comment them down below cause i NEED your help!

anyway! today i wanted to talk about my most necessary things for long flights and for long and far vacations. as you all know, i took two very longs flights recently, from NYC to Tel Aviv and then from London to LA. they were both ranging at just around 12 hours in the air which is a LONG time, and before may i had never done a flight longer than 6 hours so it was so incredibly shocking for me. plus, i had so much fear going in to them. and its not like i fear flying, but i do have a slight bit of claustrophobia which i would say only really comes when i know i’m stuck somewhere. so being in a metal tube for 12 hours, and being STUCK there was easily one of my worst nightmares.

but in all actuality, my flights weren’t all that bad! i think i traveled with the perfect items so today i wanted to share with you all what i found was MOST helpful with my air travel!

  1. pillow and eye mask: i purchased a pillow on amazon before i left, but somehow completely blanked on buying an eye mask. as soon as i got on my flight to TLV i was handed a package from the airline including an eye mask, which was FANTASTIC. i hadn’t thought of the idea but it was totally necessary and i not only used it on my flight but i used it to help me get to sleep on both my trips and my flight back home.
  2. book: i highly recommend a good book. i slept mostly on my flight to TLV but on my flight back home i was mostly awake, and i got a lot of reading done too. and i read alot in my travels in between. i choose to use my app called ‘overdrive’ and connected it to my library card where i got to get free e-books to read which was perfect on my phone because i literally had no space to carry a book with me, but i know loads of people love reading legit books too which is totally an option as well.
  3. good pair of headphones: although my favorite airpods do not work on airplane screens (they require bluetooth and there isn’t a way to connect yet! come on airplanes, GET ON IT) but i love carrying my airpods with me, and i downloaded some music off spotify and got to listen for an hour or so which allowed the time to go by faster than it otherwise would!
  4. a healthy snack: i always have to carry snacks with me because i’m such a fussy person but especially flying. my typical airplane snack would be goldfish but as i was in countries where they didn’t exist, i tended to go towards nuts. alot of the snacks in other countries weren’t ones that i was really sold on so i just decided to go with the healthy classic and of course, almonds are great brain food.
  5. water: they give you drinks on flights but i am always in favor of carrying my own bottle. besides the fact that this is more environmentally friendly than a plastic bottle, it also allows you to carry much more water than you would be able to, and this way you won’t have to wait like two hours for a measly little plastic cup filled with water! you can drink it on your own terms.
  6. see through bag: i carried all my medicines in a handy little glossier bag as well as a few other essentials that i just couldn’t pass up when i was on a long flight. its perfect to carry a see through bag too because you can see exactly what you need, and i stuff this little bag in the pocket on the back of the seat in front of me and reach to grab it when i need it instead of digging through my backpack under my chair during the flight.

alright, i hope y’all enjoyed!

xoxo, kate.