
Back to Blogging + How I Packed for Israel & London

June 19, 2019

hey all!

i know. long time no see. but i’m being honest here, its been really difficult to get back to the blog. i haven’t been active on it for around a month and i think that its officially the longest break i’ve had blogging since i started. now, i’m not gonna say that there isn’t burnout here, because there clearly is, but even more than that, my access to a laptop (rough i broke mine) and my motivation just isn’t there. so i decided to log in and look at all my posts i had scheduled and i just sighed. sorry i’m not there yet and honestly it might take a moment to get back into my momentum, and thats not just blogging, that seems to be my whole life.

so into the article right?

now i’m gonna get real here. i think a did a pretty rough job packing. (like really rough)

walking into my trip i thought i did an amazing job. i packed for 21 days in a CARRY ON SUITCASE. i packed over 10 “regular wear” outfits with approx 4 dresses, 4 pairs of pants, 2 pairs of shorts, 2 swimsuits, 1 skirt, 8 tops and two pairs of leggings and active tops.

i honestly stuffed my little pink suitcase to the GILLS. like i packed it till it could no longer zip. this was the only rolly suitcase i took with me to college so it was my only choice of what to pack in for my trip, and i knew that everyone else on my trip would be bringing suitcases that were twice the size of mine while only being out of the country for 10 days. but boy didn’t i realize i would need more than i brought.

here’s a few assumptions i had about my trip in terms of clothing:

  1. everyone would bring their A-game
  2. people were actually wearing every last item they packed (like i did)

and boy was i wrong. obviously when i met everyone at the airport we were all in casual clothes, we were about to take a 12 hour plane ride, so yeah we would all be in leggings but i didn’t think everyone would be wearing legginsg for the WHOLE TRIP. legit almost everyday, people wore lululemon leggings or lululemon shorts.

now, i know the draw forth of wearing those. they’re so comfy and actually you forget you’re wearing them. but i wouldn’t call them the ‘height of fashion’ maybe a few years ago i would have. but now, i think it just looks like you don’t wanna try. like at all.

this seriously disappointed me because that meant i was one of the only people who day to day was wearing a dress, etc. and of course in a group of 40 people all under the age of 23 thats not always how you wanna feel, being the odd man out. i mean obviously i made my way through the trip but it was annoying.

literally the second i got to london i did wash because everything i had with me smelled like the desert (not a problem just the truth). luckily i stayed in an apartment with my sister so this was not a problem. but something i realized when i got to london is the fact that i basically only packed for israel. and yeah, i didn’t have the right clothes for what we would be doing.

i mean, yeah, i had two pairs of jeans and some nice stuff but i had more ‘summery’ stuff than the stuff i’d need in london and thank god my sister and i are near the same size because i had to borrow stuff from her. thank god for this, i don’t know how i’d make it without that.

well, thats enough review for today, but i’m gonna be back SUPER SOON, sharing more pictures outfits and experiences while travleing!

as always, thanks for reading,

xo, kate.