
Frank's Body Scrub

October 29, 2018

all products c/o franks body!! & ($ this post contains affiliate links which may be monetized $)

hey all!!
happy fall! this past weekend we had CRAZY weather. it was cold and rainy and made my runs and going out so much harder because its becoming much more of a drag to get outside and get stuff done which is really sad because i love my city! one big thing i’ve noticed about this fall and winter-y weather is my skin! i’ve been getting super dry, and i’m pretty sure the weather is the main culprit.
at home i never really had insanely dry skin. during the ‘winter’ my skin always got a bit dry and i just coutered with lotion. here i’ve been trying to counter with lotion but i’ve got to admit that it isn’t really working 100%.
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well what do you do when your dry skin isn’t going away? BODY SCRUB! y’all know i love frank’s body – read about their skincare here – and i’ve used the coffee scrub in the past for some minor keratosis pilaris on my arms and other minor skin issues but i just knew when the weather changed that i was in bad luck. and then, frank’s came in! they reached out and i knew it would be the perfect solution to my ultimate dry winter skin of the east coast!
they sent me their original coffee scrub (which i’m already a HUGE fan of) and their express-o scrub (their new whipped solution!) which i was so excited to try out!
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i was familiar with the usual product which you usually you know: massage scrub over your body, leave for 3 minutes. i love the original product, but we all know it gets messy, it goes everywhere but it smells so so so good! so i was so excited to whipped scrub because its supposed to be so much cleaner!
AND IT IS! it was unbelievable how amazing it was! it smelled just as amazing and worked just as well without all of that crazy mess! the texture was a bit different (naturally because its whipped) and it was just super creamy and amazing.
after using for a few weeks i’ve seen a pretty big difference in my skin because i’m removing that nasty top dry layer. it’s so much better, its insane! my skin is super moist now so its really amazing product!
shop original coffee scrub
& shop express-o scrub

enjoy readers!
