
Janaury Month in Review

January 31, 2017

hey all!
this january has been crazy, absolutely non-stop madness. ever since i went back to school it was like a foot on the gas pedal just a car going at full speed. i went back to school on january 3rd, and my semester was over on january 20th so you all must know the craziness that is the end of the semester. so basically my whole month was this intense worry about school.
but lets get started on the month in review!
i went back to school (as i mentioned before) on january 3rd, and later that week, they were either shooting a movie or a tv show at my school.

the first photo is showing all of the shows’ lights at night the second photo is also at night and it looks to weird because of the amount of lights that were on while it was at night.
my sister left to go back to school on january 9th, so on the 8th we had a little sister outing.
we went to ramen tatsunoya in pasadena which is a place that i absolutely love!
then, the next day we had a family send off brunch at lincoln in pasadena,

i had a breakfast burrito, my sister had their famous parmesan eggs and we all had the pretzel rolls from lincoln which are absolutely fabulous with creame fraiche.
then at school, i started doing some product study for art,
i decided to paint a louis vuitton bag on a tiny baby canvas and it was put up in my art room!
then i went dormant for studying for awhile…
then it was january 20th, my sister’s birthday and we went down to visit her and we went to the rain room at lacma.

it was super cool but i didn’t exactly know you were not supposed to wear dark colors and i wore a black top from brandy melville. so the room literally rained on me that day and i got so wet, but it was super cool to be in a room inside where water actually fell on me.
then on january 25th, it was my dad’s birthday (and college night for juniors at my school). and i made my dad a birthday card which is la la land inspired.
basically, i realized that i am way too stressed out for college, i mean just sitting there was immensely stressful, but i am only so stressed out because college means so much to me and its such a big deal i just need to take it slow and luckily my school as such good college counselors and parents who will help to support me in my process.
that was pretty much the month for me.
so i decided for every month i am going to be saying my rose and thorn for the month.
rose : A grade in AP English
thorn: studying all month for all of my ap lang finals.
anyway, now with all of this lifted off my chest i am ready to start february!
kwe monogram(aka kate wins!)