
Kate’s Korner : Body Positivity

July 23, 2017

hey all!

do you remember my old segment “an update with kate” well, its been quite a few months since i posted my last one. i feel like i needed to dump that segment entirely because it just doesn’t feel like me anymore. i needed a new way to share personal posts so i decided to create “kate’s korner” its basically my new segment of “an update with kate” and in rebranding i am totally feeling this new segment so lets get started.

i hear alot about body positivity these days.

there is no problem with being body positive believe me, its 100% amazing that people feel confident in their own skin, and its also amazing that there is a world that now accepts people in all different shapes and sizes.

i am in a very small and concentrated group of girls at my school – to be exact i have 91 other girls in my senior class. there is a ton of variety within people yet i have always felt like a chubby girl in my class – even though everybody tells me i am not.  i am i constant comparison to other people. yeah i have gotten the lecture many times (shoutout to my english teacher who i have talked about comparison many times) and i know that comparison is bad but its just so hard to stop. i feel like i am better than people yet also worse than them at the same time.

in middle school i was definitely the chubby girl. i was in an even more concentrated group of girls like 44 other girls and i. since middle school i have actually learned to eat ~ correctly and exercise – and enjoy it and even though i am probably the thinnest and fittest i have been since 6th grade i still am not body positive.

i listen to alot of jenna kutcher’s “goal digger podcast” and she is so cool, so confident and amazing. she talks alot about her body and personal body positivity. i am such a big fan of her and i root for her and all of her success because she’s an amazing person. its so hard to see somebody who has learned to be confident through many struggles in her life and i don’t know why i still can’t be body positive even though i see so many others being positive.

i am still working on positivity in many factors of my life. and i think that the body positivity will definitely be coming last on that list and i don’t think i will ever be body positive despite current size and fitness.

i hope you enjoy my brain dump.


kwe monogram(aka kate wins!)