
My Exam Tips & Tricks

April 25, 2017

hey all!

i am sure you are bored of me talking about ap exams and regular exams right now, but it really is the time to share some of my new favorite exam tips and tricks

here we go why don’t we!

#1 : create a study schedule

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take your test date at least a week in advance.  i created a super fun download, which you can get it here : exam_tips! i like to put my steps into boxes, of stuff that i need to complete. i like to rank how the test feels for me so i think this process is truly helpful.

#2 : take a nutritious snack break!

take a chance to instead of chips, snack on a smoothie, yogurt, fruit or veggies with hummus! it not only provides energy but it may bring you to eating more healthy foods in your day rather than stress eating!

#3 : look online for practice exams

believe it or not, a lot of them exist, which means that you can find quizzes online by checking quizlet or simply googling whatever you need some review on and you *may* be able to find it!

#4 : too lazy to make real note cards?

try quizlet, its really an awesome website where you can make virtual notecards which you cannot just access everywhere (even on your phone, i have been there studying for apush at the drybar, it happens man) but notecards and ways to test yourself with many types of online practices.

#5 : relax

hopefully using your planning method, taking practice test and using quizlet you will be ready for your exam. but if you are not ready yet, don’t stress. stress is unnecessary for certain things and if you can allow yourself to relax maybe get a pedicure while studying? or lay on the couch in front of the fan and take a practice test? but i find when i am most relax i can learn more.

thank you for reading! if you have any other tips for me or other frantic test takers leave them in the comments down below.


kwe monogram(aka kate wins!)