
Gift Guide for the Prepster on Your List

December 13, 2016

hey all!

12 days till christmas

we are getting close guys! i am out of school in 3 days! but i am alittle sad because my school is aboslutely GORGEOUS during christmas time. i go to school in an old house, so the decorating capabilities are really awesome because there are trees, ornaments and christmas everywhere. i literally walk into my school, the theology teacher is playing christmas songs on the piano and there is a fire in the living room. basically my school is a classic christmas home from the early 1900s and i absolutely love it.
so today, as we get closer to christmas, i wanted to make a gift guide for my own kind, the prepsters. so if you know a preppy gal and don’t know what to get her, this is your perfect post, why don’t we get started!

  1. J. Crew Excursion Vest
  2. Moon and Lola Personalized Keychain
  3. Kate Spade Cedar Street Maise
  4. Hunter High Gloss Boots
  5. Vineyard Vines Whale Logo Hat White
  6.  L.L.Bean Tumbled-Leather Boots
  7.  Kate Spade Leather Wrap Bracelet
  8. Vineyard Vines Whale Logo Hat Blue 
  9. Vineyard Vines Santa Whale Graphic Tee
  10. Vineyard Vines Neon Lanyard 
  11. Illesteva Leonard Matte Mirrored Sunglasses
  12. Moon and Lola Monogram Necklace

well i hope y’all enjoyed the gift guide for prepsters, see ya on thursday!
kwe monogram(aka kate wins!)